''are you looking for Jade?'' je vprašal Finn.
''yeah..'' sem se obrnila in ga pogledala. s prstom je pokazal k ognju, ker je sedela Jade.
''there she is'' je rekel in se nasmehnil. pogledala sem tja in jo videla.
''thanks'' sem rekla z nasmeškom.
''I'm gonna go home now..'' zgubil je nasmeh.
''noo.. why?''
''I'm just.. really tired..''
''okay'' je rekel, se nasmehnil in me pobožal po licu.
''bye'' sem zašepetala.
''bye'' je naredil isto. obrnila sem se in tekla do Jade. vmes sem zaklicala:
''JAAAAAAAAAAADEEEE'' pogledala me je.
''oh Selly''
''hey.. are you doing anything?'' sem jo vprašala, ker sem videla, da nima družbe.
''no.. I actually just wanted to find you to go home cause I'm bored and tired''
''yeah, same here''
''except that you weren't bored, huh?'' zasmejali sva se.
''let's go. help me get up'' je rekla in mi dala roke. pomagala sem ji vstati. potem sva šli do skuterja in se hoteli odpeljati domov. še enkrat sem pogledala za Finnom. našla sem ga in mu pomahala. pomahal je nazaj, potem pa sva šli. ko sva prišli v Jadeino hišo (tam bom spet spala) sva šli v sobo. takoj, ko sva zaprli vrata....
''oh Goood Jade, he's such a good kisser'' zasmejala se je.
''let's go to sleep, we can't wake up dad'' je rekla v smehu. ulegli sva se v posteljo in kmalu zaspali. naslednji dan sem se zbudila pred Jade. vzela sem telefon in imela sem že sms. pogledala sem ga in bil je od Finna.
you're awake already?
morning then:)
how are you?
okay, you? aren't you tired?
nah, I'm cool.
what happened with your brother after the party?
he didn't come home.. he still isn't home..
I'm so sorry for what I said to him.. I guess I made it even worse..
nonono! thank God you said that. thank you:)
I'm happy you finally faced him(:
well it happened cause you were there..
no, it happened cause you're brave:D
believe me, it's your fault
okay hahah:D
thank you:)
I just wanted to help you..
you did.
''you already have his number? shit, girl''
''good morning to you too, Jade'' hotela sem odložiti telefon, ampak sem dobila še en sms.
maybe it's stupid and too early but I think I fell in love with you.. I mean.. I just want to keep you.. I can't tell you how it is in my life but it doesen't matter. I just wanted to tell you how much I'm into you..
are you.. serious? like, really serious?
I'm sorry.. I shouldn't say it, right?
no. it's okay:) because I'm in love with you too.. and when we kissed yesterday I trully felt butterflies.. :)
are you sure?
what's that 1% ?
it's just to scare the shit out of you ahhaha I'm kidding I'm so into you..
I'm so happy right now..
me too:)
go out with me
today. like.. now
okay haha I just have to deal with Jade
hahah take your time.
pogledala sem Jade in videla, da je ves čas brala smsje.
''Jade! bitch'' sem rekla in smejali sva se.
''what are you waiting??? go out with him!''
''help me what to dress'' sem rekla.
oblekla sem se tako nekako in šla ven.
yeah? sem odgovorila na še en sms.
can I kiss you when you'll come to the beach?
dumbo hahah of course you can.
okay. see ya:) potem sem končno šla proti plaži.
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