''truth or dare?''
''I don't wanna play this game anymore..''
''okay'' nekaj časa sva bila tiho. zazehala sem.
''I'm so tired..''
''me too'' zaprla sem oči.
''lunch will be soon. we'll sleep after it, okay?''
''but we have to go out and party tonight'' zasmejala sem se.
''deal'' potem je gor pritekel Fredo.
''it's lunch time, babieeeeeeeeesss'' zasmejala sva se. potem sva prišla v kuhinjo in se usedla za mizo. Chaz je bil danes slabe volje. vsi smo se pogovarjali in se smejali, samo Chaz je bil ves čas tiho in gledal je v svoj krožnik. ko je bilo konec kosila je šel Justin v sobo, jaz pa sem mu rekla, da grem na wc. v resnici sem šla v Chazovo sobo. potrkala sem.
''I'm not in the mood right now, please don't come in!''
''it's me, Chaz'' sem rekla potiho, da ne bi kdo slišal. hitro je vstal in odprl vrata.
''hey Selly'' je rekel in se nasmehnil. ''I'm sorry, I'm just not really.. uhmm.. please, come in'' nasmehnila sem se in šla notri.
''what's wrong Chaz?'' bil je tiho.
''come on, you can tell me''
''I..you won't believe me even if I'd tell you''
''oh, you think that? is that what friends do? I swear I'll help you, Chaz'' usedla sem se na posteljo zraven njega.
''I met a girl.. and I went out with her a lot of times and we had really fun and we were like.. dating. but then she told me that she was using me because of Justin. it's always because of Justin. always. I'm sick of this! and she told me that now she found a guy she's really in love with. I really liked her Selly.. sick! everybody who hangs out with me does it because of Justin..''
''I don't''
''of course you do'' prijel se je za glavo.
''if I'd knew you before I'd met Justin I would absolutely hang out with you. and even if me and Justin would break up I'd still want you for my friend'' roko sem mu dala na hrbet.
''of course. I love you, okay? like a friend.''
''I love you too'' potem sem ga objela.
''now I have to go because Justin thinks I'm in a toilet and this is really taking a lot of time'' sem rekla in zasmejala sva se. šla sem do vrat in jih odprla. tam je stal Justin. jezen. tekel je gor in jaz za njim. ko sem prišla v sobo je ležal na postelji.
''what the fuck, Selly? you lied to me and you went to Chaz? are you serious?''
''oh... what do you think we were doing, ha?''
''I don't know, it could be anything!''
''Justin, I went there to confort him because he was sad, okay?''
''oh yeah? now I believe you''
''yeah, because a good boyfriend doesen't believe his girlfriend'' sem rekla sarkastično.
''I'm not a good boyfriend? really? who lied? who?''
''Chaz was upset because of you!'' utihnil je.
''what?'' usedla sem se zraven njega in zavzdihnila.
''he said that everyone that hangs out with him does it because he wants to get close to you. and he said he has enaugh of that'' Justin je zavzdihnil. objel me je.
''I'm so sorry babe''
''don't apologize to me, go talk to Chaz.''
''I'm sorry cause I didn't listen to you.. again'' nasmehnila sem se. dal mi je lupčka.
''go talk to him''
''already going!'' ko je vstal, sem ga brcnila v rit. potem sem se ulegla in zaspala.
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