sreda, 4. december 2013


''go with me'' *iz prejšnjega dela* 


nekaj časa sem bila tiho in potem sem rekla: 

''Justin, you know I can't go..''

''why? why don't you wanna go? you always find excuses for not talking about the tour, now tell me!''

''because I can't just leave dad and Sam..''

''why? are they babies? can't they take care of themselves?'' 

''stop talking like that!''

''but Selly! I got the poin't, haven't I?'' 

'' do...''

''why are you acting so dumb?'' je zelo naglas vprašal.

''oh, so now I'm dumb, right?''

''no! I didn't mean like that!''

''yeah, sure.''

''I just want to know why don't you wanna go with me.'' je zdaj rekel nežno. nekaj časa sem bila tiho in on tudi.

''what if we get in fight again? if we just... I don't know what. where will I go? will I stay with you on the bus? will I cry everytime you'll go past me when I'll sit on the sofa watching TV?''

''why would we even fight? why do you always think about the fight?'' 

''right. cause we really never fight, ha?'' sem vprašala v sarkazmu.

''I'm sorry Justin. I won't go. not that I can't go. I don't want to.'' sem rekla in hotela iti stran od njega. obrnila sem se in začela hoditi. potem je pritekel za mano.

''Selly!'' je zaklical in me prijel za roko. obrnila sem se nazaj k njemu. zavzdihnil je.

''I can't do it without you. I'd miss you too much.''

''Justin I...''

''and I wanna kiss you so badly..'' me je prekinil in pogledal v ustnice. ''but I can't if I'm leaving in one week and if I know you're not comming with me.'' zavzdihnil je. 

''I.. no.. you won't convince me. I'm staying.'' 

''what will happen to us then?''

''I guess.. we can still be friends?'' sem rekla, čeprav sem vedela, da to ne bo šlo. in pogruntal me je.

''yeah. we can. but I know you know we can't only be friends.'' 

samo odpirala sem usta in nisem vedla kaj naj rečem. nasmehnil se je in me prijel za brado. 

''go with me.'' je rekel in prišel čisto blizu mene. naslonil mi je čelo na mojega in zavzdihnil. 

''I can't.'' sem potiho rekla. potem je bil nekaj časa tiho. 

''then promise me we'll skype.'' 

nasmehnila sem se.

''I promise.'' hotel me je poljubiti a sem mu postavila prst pred ustnice.

''wait for Christmas.''

''no. I can't.'' 

''you have to.''

''hug me then.'' objela sem ga. močno.

''I won't let you now.'' zasmejala sem se. oh Goddd..spet sem čutila toplino. nisem ga spustila. okoli naju so se nabrali paparaci. Justin me je prijel za roko in hodila sem za njim. kmalu sva začela teči in na koncu sva se skrila za nekim vogalom, kjer sva se jih končno znebila. 

''I'll go home now.'' 

''no... don't go yet..'' 

''yeah.. I'll go.''

zavzdihnil je. 

''but I can text you now, right?'' 

zasmejala sem se in mu pokimala. spustila sem njegovo roko in šla domov. bila sem vesela. in po eni strani žalostna, saj Justin čez en teden odhaja. ko sem hodila sem že dobila sporočilo. nasmehnila sem se že, ko sem videla, da je od Justina. 

tell me: how am I supposed to survive 4 months if I miss you after 2 minutes?

we'll skype.


a lot.


every day?


okay I know what you want hahaha


I'll miss you too. is that what you wanted to hear?


I will.


na to nisem odgovorila.

are you there? please be there.

I'm here.  

*med pisanjem sem prišla v mojo hišo*

stay with me to the rest of this day

še preden sem uspela odgovoriti, je napisal še eno sporočilo.


I will. 

potem sva se res cel dan pogovarjala in vmes sem bila na računalniku. Justin je ves čas tweetal: 






in najmanj 10 smeškotov je bilo kar naenkrat na njegovem profilu. vse sem retweetala in enega objavila še sama. tega mi je retweetal Justin.  




I got so much hate..

oh don't worry bby. they're just mad because I screwed up and we fight again...

Justin, I screwed up, remember?

nah... we're both to blame..

stop lying to yourself! it was me and they'll never stop hating me.

you have me here. log out from twitter and ignore the hate. once you date a celebrity, you have to get used to things like this. and don't get me wrong- I just want the best for you.

res sem se odjavila iz twitterja in se še naprej pogovarjala z Justinom.

thank you Justin.

anytime. :)

na telefonu sem bila še vedno prijavljena na twitter in dobila sem da je Justin spet nekaj tweetal. pogledala sem:

me and Selly are back together. please, stop the hate. I love you Beliebers. ♥

*spet sms-ji*

thanks. (mislila sem na tweet, ki ga je napisal, da bi Belieberke prenehale z 'hateom')

everything for you. I'd type a heart now. can I? ko sem prebrala to, sem se na glas zasmejala.

ahahha yeah Justin, you can :)

oh God nobody can stop me now. 

it's okay Justin...




it's okay.

no hearts for me?

Justin we can't just act... like we're together.. cause we ain't..right?

friends can write hearts, right?

goodnight Justin♥

night' night sweety :)

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