sobota, 14. december 2013


sredi noči je začel govorit. nekaj časa je blebetal tako, da ga nisem razumela. potem se je začel dreti, tresti, jokati. začela sem ga rukati, da bi se zbudil. 

''Justin..Justin wake up...JUSTIN!'' šele, ko sem v zadnje zavpila se je budil. vrgel se je pokonci (v sede) in se tresel. držala sem ga za ramo. glavo je obrnil proti meni in, ko se je zavedel, da sem zraven njega me je objel. hitro sem mu vrnila objem. jokal je. 

''what's wrong?'' sem ga prestrašeno vprašala. pogledal me je in me pobožal po licu. zavzdihnil je.

''thank God you're here'' še enkrat sem ga objela. poljubila sem ga na lice in potem sem ga še enkrat vprašala:

''what happened?'' 

''I...when... first week after I went I started to dream some really strange dreams.. and I still do. there wasn't even a day when I wasn't dreaming it. they are so bad, they make my whole day so awful and sad. they are always the same, but enaugh strong to make me feel guilty and scared...'' spet se je začel tresti. prijela sem ga za roke. 

''calm down. it's okay.'' sem mu zašepetala in se mu tolažilno nasmehnila. 

''what did you dream?'' 

''I don't know...''

''come on, Justin. tell me.''

''I swear to God I don't know what happens in those dreams..I only know..'' tu je spet začel jokat. 


''I only know that in every single dream.. you die somehow. I know you won't believe me cause it really sounds crazy but.. it really is something, I swear. I swear to everything, it wants to tell me something. and it makes me feel like everything is my fault..'' 

''I'm here. with you. nothing will happen, I swear. whatever happens, don't blame yourself. and bad dreams doesen't come true, never. okay? I love you.'' sem rekla in se nasmehnila. še vedno sem ga držala za roke. eno je dvignil k sebi in jo poljubil.

''I will die if you ever leave me again.''

''I won't. never again.'' 

''yeah, we promised that a lot of times.'' 

nekaj časa sem bila tiho.

''I've been thinking a lot about this.'' 

''what?'' je rekel in posmrkal.

''we always say we'll not brake up again but in the end we always fight. what if we could only stay friends? I mean, me and Johnny are friends and we don't fight like you and me do.'' 

začel se je smejati in jaz tudi. zakaj bi lagala -tako Justinu, kot sama sebi?

''don't you ever joke with me like this again.'' je rekel v smehu. 

''okay.'' potem se je nehal smejati in se je samo še rahlo nasmehnil. nekaj časa me je gledal in končno rekel:

''I love you.'' nasmehnila sem se. prišel je bližje meni in me poljubil. 

''do you wanna go back to sleep?'' sem ga vprašala. zaprl je oči in odkimal. 

''yeah, let's go. you have to rest for tomorrow's concert... oh.. do you even have a concert tomorrow?'' zdaj se je nasmehnil.

''you're so cute when you confuse yourself''' je smeje rekel. 

''no. we travel tomorrow. the next performing is in two days.'' 

''oh that's cool. you'll have a rest till then.'' sem rekla, ga pobožala in se nasmehnila. 

''yeah... I guess so.'' 

''you're so tired..'' sem rekla in res je bil videti utrujen. 

''no, I'm not. I swear. I don't wanna sleep tonight, let's do something else.'' je rekel in mi pomežiknil. mislil je na.. tisto. 

''no, Justin. not today. you really have to sleep.'' nasmehnil se je. 

''okay.'' nazaj sva se ulegla in se gledala. 

''you know you're my everything, right?'' to je narisalo nasmeh na moj obraz. 

''don't ever forget that, okay?'' je rekel in me pobožal.

''okay.'' potem me je poljubil. ulegla sem se mu na roko in on me je stisnil k sebi. 

''you can't imagine how happy I am in this moment.''

''I can. cause I feel the same.'' 

''I love you.'' 

''I love you too.'' dal mi je lupčka na čelo.

''nighty night''

''nighty night, babe.'' objela sva se in zaspala. 


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