sobota, 16. november 2013


Justin se je ulegel na posteljo jaz pa sem se usedla zraven njega. 

''I talked to Chaz before..'' 

''really? what did you talked about?''

''he said he wants to be friends with me. he apologized once again and said he wants to start over.'' 

''oh, thank God. are we all cool now?'' 

''I think so, yeah...'' 

''okay. thank you.'' je rekel in se nasmehnil. potem se je usedel zraven mene in jaz sem mu naslonila glavo na ramo. 

''I'm so tired...'' 

''do you wanna go to sleep?'' 


''okay. lay down and fall asleep, I'll go talk to Chaz first and then I'll come back, okay?'' 

''okay. I love you.'' 

pogledal me je in mi dal lupčka. 

''I love you too.''  je rekel. potem sem se ulegla in Justin me je pokril. potem je šel ven.


pokril sem jo, potem pa sem šel do Chaza. ležal je na kavču v dnevni sobi.

''hey Chaz.'' hitro se je vrgel pokonci.

''oh, hey Justin. sorry I fell asleep...''

''no, no it's cool. I just wanted to talk to you about.. Selly''

''I apologized Justin. oh Gosh. I reall don't want us to fight, we were like brothers, right?''

''noo...I wanted to thank you cause you really are the best buddy. and I heard you two are cool now.''

''yeah.. I want us to be friends and not like total strangers who don't even look at eachother cause it's so awkward.'' 

''yeah, I understand..''

''so...can I be friends with her?'' 

''well, of course! I really want you two to be friends.. just don't...'' sem zavzdihnil. stopil je k meni.

''I won't. I promise.'' je rekel. dal mi je roko in me objel. 

''so are we cool now?'' 

''I should ask you that... but yeah...we are.'' 

''okay. thanks.'' 

''thank you. night buddy.''  je še rekel in šel nazaj na kavč.

''goodnight.'' sem skoraj zašepetal. potem sem šel vsem še enkrat zaželeti lahko noč, potem pa šel v sobo. ulegel sem se zraven Selly.

''hey... are you two cool?'' 

''yeah, we are.'' 

''okay.'' objel sem jo in zaspala sva.

*konec Justinovega razmišljanja*

prišel je nazaj in rekel, da sta se s Chazom zmenila. objela sva se in zaspala. sanjala sem o...ŠOLI? kaaaj? hahahaha. zadnje leto šole sem opravila, pa še vedno sanjam o njej. OMG!! POZABILA SEM NA MATURANTSKEGA! hitro sem se zbudila. pogledala sem Justina, če je še spal. slišal je, ko sem se premikala in zbudil se je.

''hey, babe? what's wrong, are you okay?'' 

''which day is it today?'' 

''I don't know...why do you ask?'' je vprašal in vzel telefon. (ej prosim ne it zdaj gledat kerga smo po zgodbi, js si bom en datum zmislila, pa nevem kerga smo v resnici v zgodbi, ok?)

''18th of July. why?'' 

''oh thank God.'' 

''will you tell me what's going on?'' 

''we have school dance in three days...''

''really? prom? cooool! who will you dance with?'' 

''that's the point. I should say the teacher for my partner at dance in the beginning of July. but I totally forgot.''

''go to school tomorrow and say you didn't have one before.''

''okay. I'll try.'' 

''now. who's the lucky boy who will dance with you?'' 

''we only have three boys in our class and 15 girls. so I guess they are all already occupied (=zasedeni)... will you...''

''me? oh my gooosh yees, I'll go! I really want to dance with you!''  me je prekinil.


''of course.'' 

''thank you so much.''

''no problem, shawty. any time.''

objela sem ga in spet sva zaspala. 

naslednje jutro, sem takoj, ko sem se zbudila poklicala Jade. 


''Selly! how are you?'' 

''I'm okay. you?'' 

''me too.'' 

''you know I forget about the prom?'' 

''oh right!! oh gosh, you're not the only one. once you really fall in love you forget everything what's not about your love, right? I'll ask Tom to go with me.''

''gosh, that's so true. I'll come with Justin. are we gonna go shopping for the dress?''

''sure! and we have to tell teacher for our dance partners.'' 

''yeah. I'll pick you up at...''

''I'll pick you up and we'll go with my scooter, okay?''



''oh, right'' začela sem se smejati. ''you ment your ..' sem se smejala.

''yes, ahhahaahh not Justin's Scooter.''

''okay ahahaha, when will you come?''

''in one hour. Justin's house?''

''yup, I'm there.''

''okay, see ya!''

''see ya!'' sem še rekla in prekinila. smejala sem se preglasno in zbudila Justina.

''oh Jus, I'm so sorry I woke you up...''

''noo, don't's okay.''

prišel je k meni, me prijel za boke in me poljubil.

'' with Jade today, ha?'' 

''yup'' sem rekla in se mu nasmehnila.

''I can give you money for the dress..''

oh no, Justin, really. I'll buy it myself, don't worry.'' 

''okay.'' je zašepetal. pobožal me je po ličku in me še enkrat poljubil. usedel se je za računalnik, jaz pa sem se oblekla za v trgovino.

ko sem se preoblekla je že prišla Jade.

''will you come back when you're done?'' 

''only if you want me to.''

''please come back?''

''okay'' sem rekla, se mu nasmehnila, ga poljubila potem pa šla. pozdravila sem Jade, se usedla na motor in šli sva v nakupovali center. tam je bilo na tisoče lepih oblek *o* nisem vedela katero naj izberem. Jade je takoj našla obleko zase in bila je prečudovita.                           

jaz sem še nekaj časa iskala in našla sem popolno obleko. (Jade: zgornja, jaz: spodnja). bili sva tako zadovoljni. Jade si je kupila še petke v barvi obleke, jaz pa balerinke v barvi moje, ker sem z petkami vedno imela težave. potem sva šli na sok v kavarno v bližini in se pogovarjali. ko sva spili in plačali, sva se odpeljali do šole in sporočili učiteljici za plesalce. najprej je bila jezna, ker ji nisva sporočili že prej, potem pa je bila tako vesela zame, da sem končno spoznala Justina in, da sva celo par, da me je kar objela. zahvalili sva se, potem pa šli.  od doma sva bili najmanj 4 ure.        pripeljala me je do Justinove hiše. vstopila sem notri in šla v njegovo sobo. spal je in nisem ga hotela buditi, zato sem šla domov. bila sem utrujena, zato sem se vrgla na kavč in gledala televizijo. domov je prišel oči. 

''hey girl! where have you been?'' 

''at Justin's.''

''oh, right. you told me you're going there. did you two fight?''

''no, why?'' sem ga čudno pogledala.

''I don't know, cause you're not there anymore.''

''noo, I went shopping with Jade and I came back to his house and he was sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up so I came home.'' 

''aaah. what did you buy?''

''prom dress and shoes.'' 

''oh God! prom is in three days! I can't wait!''

''me neither.''

''will you dance with schoolmate or Justin?''


''yeah, I thought so. what are you watching?'' je rekel in se usedel poleg mene. 

''I don't know what's that. a movie.''

''can I watch with you?''

''of course you can!'' sem rekla in se nasmehnila. skupaj sva gledala film, ko me je poklical Justin. šla sem v sobo in se javila.

''hey babe, are you okay?''

''hey. yeah I am.''

''where are you?'' 


''wh-why didn't you come back?'' 

''because you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up again.''

''but you should...'' 

''why? you were tired.'' sem rekla in se zasmejala.

''true. will you come now? please?'' 

''okay, I'll come.''

''thanks. I miss you.''

''miss you too.'' sem se nasmehnila. potem sem prekinila in hitro šla do Justina. on me je že čakal na vratih hiše. šla sva v sobo in odprla okno. sedela sva na tleh.



''it became even worse..'' omg, kaj? ustrašila sem se.

''wh-what are you talking about?'' 

''you and me.'' 

''oh gosh'' sem ponesreči rekla naglas. zavzdihnila sem in pogledala v tla.

''just tell me something''


''will you break up with me? cause I really want to get out of this house before I cry a river.''

''what? no! what are you talkning about? no!'' je že govoril čez mene. izdihnila sem. olajšanje.

''okay. then what?'' sem živčno vprašala.

''I-I can't even think of us not being together. I can't last without you even 4 hours. that's why I fell asleep. because I thought you will come sooner. I don't know what will happen when I'll go to the next tour. you'll have to go with me, otherwise I'll die.''

''oh, Justin. you scared the shit out of me. okay, look. we'll talk about the tour when it will be near. till then you always have me here, whenever you want. I won't go anywhere far from you, I promise. and if I'll go, you're going with me. okay?''

''okay. but you really need to go to the tour with me. if you don't, I won't sing well cause I'll miss you too much and Beliebers will be sad cause I won't sing well for them...''

''we'll talk about that in time, okay?'' sem rekla, se mu nasmehnila in mu dala roko. z nasmehom je pokimal. kmalu ga je izgubil.

''I'm so scared..''

''scared of what?''

'' loosing you..again.'' 

''you won't. you won't lose me again, I promise.''

''you can't promise me that. whatever can happen to break us. you can meet another guy and fall in love with him or I can be stupid again and make a stupid mistake...''

''Shut uuup Justin!'' sem rekla in se začela smejati.

''if we really love eachother, nothing can seperate us.'' 

''we do, right?'' pokimala sem. prijel je mojo roko in me povlekel k sebi v naročje. začel me je poljubljati.


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