do zvečer nisem dobila nobenega sporočila od Justina in bila sem tako žalostna. hotela sem biti z njim, da bi me spet objel, poljubil, se smejal... ampak njemu zgleda ni do tega. kako sem žalostna. sploh mi ni bilo do ničesar. Jade je to opazila. rekla mi je, da gre nekaj kupit v trgovino.
Zgleda, da z Justinom danes ne bo nič. zato sem se odločila kaj ji bom pripravila za rojstni dan. šla sem do njegove hiše in bilo je zelo čudno, saj tam ni bilo danes nobene oboževalke. pozvonila sem in dol je prišla Pattie.
''Helo, who are you, little princess?''
bila je tako prijazna..
''Helo, I am Justin's friend's bestfriend. Justin hanged with Selly yesterday and I was wondering if he is home..''
''well yes he is.. do you want me to call him from his room or will you go to his room?''
'' No, I will go to him. Thanks..Pattie, right?''
''yes, it's Pattie, and you're welcome.''
dala mi je roko in se mi nasmehnila. zdaj vem o čem je Selly govorila. Pattie mi je povedala kje je Justinova soba in šla sem tja.
potrkala sem in potem kar vstopila. najprej ga nisem videla, potem pa sem ga zagledala, ko je spal. mislila sem že iti, da ga nebi zbudila, potem pa se je predramil.
''hueeeeeeeeeeehhhhh, who is it..?''
''Hi Justin, I am Selly's bestfriend Jade..''
potem se je takoj zbudil in skoraj ga je vrglo s postelje.
''Selly's? why are you here?''
''well, you didn't call her since yesterday and she is very sad...she misses you.''
''yeah I'm soo sorry for that. I don't have her phone number and I wanted to send her tweet message but I thought...''
''yeah about that'' sem ga prekinila ''she was on twitter from 11 a.m till now and she still is, waiting for you to message her..''
''yeah I should porblably message her..aww she misses me? '' in naredil je tisti njegov nagajiv nasmeh.
''yes, she does, but if you will not make the next step, she will not miss you anymore. she will find another guy...''
''No, no, no I can't let her do it..Jade, I'm in love with her. I love her.''
''then do something.''
Justin me je resno pogledal, nato se je usedel na stol pred računalnik in začel pisati sporočilo na twitterju, a sem ga prekinila:
'' no, wait!''
''it's her birthday tommorow. she will turn 18. First I wanted to 'buy' you to come on her home and sing her happy birthday and be with her for one day, to make her dreams come true. But you were hurrier than me and you kissed her. I thought it would be great if you leave her alone till tommorow and make her very sad and then you can come to our party and surprise her..''
''but I miss her too much to wait till tommorow, Jade...''
''please, do it for her, to make her happy.''
''okay. I'll try to controll myself. Thanks Jade.'' in nasmehnil se je.
''thank you.'' nasmehnila sem se mu nazaj.
''I think you are a great bestfriend'', se je spet nasmehnil.
Nasmehnila sem se in mu dala mojo in Sellyino telefonsko številko, on pa je dal meni njegovo. potem sva se poslovila in sem šla.
*konec Jadinega razmišlanja*
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